Amazing Caricatures of Celebrities

The caricatures of the celebrities in this post are truly amazing. The artists who do them seem to have a sixth sense of the facial features that need to be exaggerated. This artist didn’t fail and allows us to see them as we do in our subconscious mind.

Will Smith

Jim Carrey

Leslie Nielsen

Whoopi Goldberg

Cameron Diaz

Brad Pitt

Clint Eastwood


David Beckham

Barack Obama

Meryl Streep

Marilyn Manson

The Joker


Halle Berry

Austin Powers (Mike Myers)

Keira Knightley

Nick Cave

Matt Damon

Leonardo DiCaprio

Nicolas Cage

Paris Hilton

Angelina Jolie

Prince Charles

Albert Einstein

Jay Leno

Clive and Julia

Eva Longoria


SO Sick

Chris Elliott

Bruce Willis

Jay Leno

David Tennant

Lebron James



Lady Gaga

Steven Seagal

Jack Black

Louis Armstrong

Hugh Laurie

Tim Burton

Sandra Bullock

Jennifer Garner

Morgan Freeman

Jay and Conan

Robert De Niro

Matt Bellamy


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